*Posted on behalf of internal Bizible expert Pierre Cirac* In this post, we are focusing on reporting on Bizible Touchpoints (BTs). BTs are used for understanding all marketing interactions related to people, as they contain the ...
***Posted on behalf of Kimberly Galitz, Marketing Automation and Attribution Specialist at Bandwidth.*** Getting Started with Bizible Reports When I first started using Bizible, the reports that I used most frequently were 'Bizib...
HelloAll!I'm on theMarketo product team at Adobe. We are excited to take ABM to the next level and need your feedback. Your input will ensure that we invest in areas that drive the most value for you. You do not need to be an ABM ...
“Imagine you win the lottery today and quit your job tomorrow. Would someone be able to step right in and take over your Marketo instance?” This is the mindset Tori Forte, Marketo consultant extraordinaire, recommends as you’re th...
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Featured in the October edition of the Fearless Forum, Amber Hobson of Applied Systems is walking us through her journey of implementing Dynamic Content. In this master class, Amber goes into detail about her team's marketing stra...
Check out an excerpt from the ebook below written by Erik Heldebro​, Chief Marketing Officer at Bambuser and Rachel Noble, Manager Client Services at Digital Pi to learn how they manage engagement program memberships. Managing En...
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It's not too late to register for University Day! Accelerate your Marketo learning at the Marketing Nation Summit 2018! Join us at University Day on April 29, 2018, where you can take your Marketo skills to the next level and buil...
There are 2 ways to access references (i.e. variables) in Velocity.(1) Simple/shorthand notation, prefixed with a $: $variableName$variable.property$variable.method()$variable.property.method()(2) Formal/longhand notation, prefixe...
Velocity is the only language where Brevity for Brevity's Sake is OK. In other languages, reducing total lines of code (LOC) with show-offy shortcuts just means your code will make no sense (to you or anyone else) after a few mon...

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